Thursday, June 4th 2020
7.30 p.m. - Opening ceremony
Friday, June 5th 2020

#EuropeUnited – Our Hanseatic guests present themselves
“The tents of European solidarity
„Brilons open Gardens“ - 14 Gardenowners open their virtual gates
Impressions from Brilon
11 a.m. - Signing the “Brilon-Declaration” celebrating the 40th anniversary of the modern International Hanseatic League
noon - Hanseatic fanfare performed by "Bläserkreis Petrinum Brilon"
1 p.m. - Address of the Russian Hansa from Velikij Nowgorod
2 p.m. - “Hansa in face of Corona” – Greetings from the LWL- Kulturstiftung and the Westphalian Hanseatic League
3 p.m. - Address from Dr. Felicia Sternfeld, director of the European Hanseatic Museum, Lübeck
4 p.m. - Homage to the hansa by "Männerchor 1868 Brilon"
5 p.m. - Address from Rachid Hamdaoui, Spokesman of the youthHansa Commission
6 p.m. - Hanseatic fanfare performed by "Jugendblasorchester Brilon"
6.30 p.m. - Stay@home – Live-cooking show „Sauerländer Menü“ with regional cooks Pio und Tommy
Saturday, June 6th 2020
9 a.m. - Hansa-Run: The first milestone

10 a.m. - Hanseatic fanfare performed by "Blasorchester Brilon"
11 a.m. - Video message of the officiating “Briloner Waldfee” and her predecessors
11.30 a.m. - Video message of the symbolic figurehead of Lippstadt, Graf Bernhard II
12.15 a.m. - Hanseatic fanfare performed by "Blasorchester Brilon"

2 p.m. - Virtual visit of the Hanseatic Museum with Leah and Sabrina, Members of the YouthHansa-Team Brilon
3 p.m. - HanseMove – the Hanseatic League in motion – with the VHS Brilon
5.30 p.m. - Address from the “St. Hubertus Schützenbruderschaft Brilon”
6 p.m. Hanseatic Fanfare performed by Musikverein Messinghausen
Sunday, June 7th 2020
9 p.m. - Hansa-Run: The first milestone

11 a.m. - YouthHansa - time capsule
noon - Hanseatic fanfare performed live by "Musikverein Hoppecke" and Interview with Annette Kemmerling from "Breylonia Gewandschneyderey"
2 p.m. - Impressions of the „Drive-in – Hanseatic Day to go“
6 p.m. - Hanseatic fanfare performed live by "Musikverein Altenbüren" followed by the closing ceremony
Monday, June 8th 2020
9 a.m. - Hansa-Run: The goal