Established in late 2016, the Brilon “YouthHansa“ Group now comprises nine young people aged between 14 and 22 who have become part of the big Youth Hansa movement.
The YouthHansa is the youth organisation of the great League which combines more than 190 towns and cities from sixteen European countries.
In 2020, Brilon will host the International Hanseatic Days. Besides numerous regular guests, the town also expects between 80 and 100 young delegates. One of the main tasks of the Brilon unit is to organise those visits. Meeting on a steady basis, the local task force has already come up with a number of ideas for the occasion.
Brilon YouthHansa Team
Elena Albracht -
Hubertus Schulte -
Spokesperson of the YouthHansa Teams:
Eva Hülshoff -

YouthHansa Programme 2020
"Hands on!" – that's the slogan of the Youth Hansa for Brilon 2020. Working in teams with lots of supporters and youth groups, the Brilon section has prepared its programme for the event. Besides various “hands-on” projects, participants can look forward to plenty of fun activities, among them even a traditional German Schützenfest.
Download the programme here.
Download the conditions of participation here.