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In addition to numerous virtual opportunities within the new framework of the “first virtual Hanseatic Day in the 660-year history of the Hanseatic…
111 towns from 15 nations are registered for the 40th International Hanseatic days.
Besides giving an outlook to the town's 800th anniversary, this year's official New Year's Reception centred on representative Brilon townspeople as…
What is the Hanseatic League? How long has it been around? What's Brilon got to do with the Hanse?
Advance ticket sales for Hansa Party to start at Brilon Christmas Market
Hot off the press, a special edition of Heimatliebe magazine appeared last weekend, just in time with the meeting of the Autumn Commission.
For over a year now, approximately 150 volunteers have been committed to preparing the Hanseatic Days. Working in thirteen task-force teams, they have…
For the last October weekend, the town of Brilon is expecting international visitors bringing with them a taste of the 40th International Hanseatic…
Charming hosts, garden art in all its diversity, delicious cakes and gateaux, hot coffee, plenty of exchange – those were the perfect ingredients for…