The Team and the Jury HANSEartWORKS prepared the exhibition "Leute, Orte, Träume".


Members of the Jury

Lutz Bernau, freelance artist

Kathrin Brandt, M.A. art historian

Prof. Dr. Carl-Peter Buschkühle, Professor for art education, Institute for art education, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Ute Hachmann, project leader Hanseatic Days

Thomas Mester, director Brilon Kultour

Cornelia Reuber, director Koordinierungsbüro Kulturregion Hochsauerland

Gertrud Schüle, president Kunstverein Brilon

Brigitte Schulte-Bartsch, teacher Marienschule


Team Members

Dagmar Böddicker – Employee, Town of Brilon

Lucia Liebeton – Volunteer, Town of Brilon

Rita Sommer-Malinowski – Employee, Town of Brilon