Join in!

Giving an overview of the previous volunteer engagement in the run-up to the 40th International Hanseatic Convention, Mayor Dr C. Bartsch thanked the 150 helpers while appealing to fellow-Briloners to keep offering back-up support, since for 2020, every helping hand will be direly needed.
Pointing out in his welcoming address that the 40th International Hanseatic Days are an event organised by citizens for European citizens, he underlined that many people had been committing themselves for years now, working hard in the most diverse places. “When it's over I want us to be able to say, 'We've made it. Brilon was a good host for 120 cities'”, the mayor said. “That's why it's paramount that everyone lend a hand. Tonight's meeting is to serve as an impetus convincing more fellow-Briloners to join in.”
This was confirmed by Ute Hachmann, municipal librarian and project manager in charge of organisation. She stated that for over a year now, 150 volunteers have been engaged in all sorts of projects – working, debating, sewing, planning. “Tonight let us set a sign: Count me in!”, she urged resolutely. “The Supporters' Association with its seven hundred members is our financial back-up.”
According to Ms. Hachmann, it's the voluntary work plus the numerous helpers behind the scenes which lay the groundwork for the event. She made it clear that presently there are forty sponsorships for the European Hanseatic towns, but that an additional eighty will still be required. All of the sixteen Brilon villages have agreed to do their bit, with local chiefs, clubs, and societies energetically involved. “A lot of the action goes on backstage”, Hachmann said. “Brilon lives Europe. It's our home, and that's why Briloners will succeed in getting this king-size event up and running.”
After that, Ute Hachmann presented the thirteen task forces, using the opportunity to introduce the new “Count me in” flyer and appealing to fellow-Briloners to come forward and join as volunteers. “The town centre will almost completely be transformed into a stage-area”, she said. “That's why we badly need more helpers. We have started our 'Count me in' campaign, distributing these flyers here which you can fill in and return to us at the local library by Christmas. Everyone who registers as a volunteer will then be assigned to a task force.”
Source: Claudia Metten, Sauerlandkurier